- 1758 - Sylvanus Snow, age 26, served 10 April to 5 November in Colonel Eleazer Fitch's Third Regiment (Captain Jedediah Fay's Tenth Company recruited in Ashford)
- 1759 - Savanus Snow, age 27, served in General Phineas Lyman's First Regiment, based in Sheffield (Major John Slapp's Third Company recruited in Mansfield)
- 1762 - Silvanus Snow, age 30, served 18 March to 3 December in General Phineas Lyman's First Regiment, based in Sheffield (Captain Hugh Ledlie's Tenth Company)
- 1775 - Age 43, served 1 May to 11 September in General Putnam's Third Regiment, recruited in Windham County (Captain Knowlton's Fifth Company recruited in Ashford). He is mentioned in an officer's report as having lost his gun in the fight at Bunker Hill
- 1775 - Silvanus Snow. Page #: 16 - 25; Regiment: Putnam. Remarks: Expenses extracted from vol. of "Sick Bills"
Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the Revolutionary War
- 1776 - Snow, Sylvanus. Private, Capt. John Grannis's co.; entered service June 1, 1776; service to Aug. 31, 1776, 3 mos; company stationed at Elizabeth Islands [Massachusetts] for defence of seacoast; roll dated Tarpaulin Cove and sworn to in Barnstable Co.;
- also, Capt. John Grannis's co. commanded by Lieut. James Blossom; service from Sept. 1, 1776, to Nov. 21, 1776, 2 mos. 21 days; company stationed at Elizabeth Islands for defence of seacoast.
- 1777 - Snow, Sylvanus. Capt. Isaac Stone's Company, Lieut. Peter Keith; Commencement of pay. Aug. 23; Paid to Nov. 9 [Called up for Saratoga Campaign, they fought there Sept 19 and Oct 9,1777 - 7th alarm list company in the 11th Connecticut regiment]
- 1778 - Snow, Silvanus. Col. Durkee's Fourth Regiment, Continental Line, May 28, 1778, 8 months, discharged Oct 29, 1778.
- On June 28, '78 engaged closely at Battle of Monmouth. Col Durkee then commanding the Brigade. Lieut Col. Russell in command at close of the action.
From the New York Spectator of Feb. 26, 1828:
Died in Becket, Mass., on the 19th ult., Mr. Sylvanus Snow, aged ninety-seven years, a Revolutionary pensioner. He served several campaigns in the French war, and through nearly the whole War of the Revolution. He was engaged in fourteen different battles, in all of which he was but once wounded, and that at Bunker Hill; and the ball which he then received has been carried in his body to the grave. He lived with his wife (who died at the age of ninety-one) seventy-two years, and has left a numerous posterity and an exemplary reputation.